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Transform your idea into a validated, prototyped, and production and market ready Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in days! With a track record of developing over 160 MVPs, work with world-class facilitators, product designers, and researchers.

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Ideation & sketching workshops
A collaborative session to generate a wide range of creative ideas for potential solutions.
Feature prioritisation workshop
An activity to prioritize ideas, features, or solutions based on their feasibility and impact.
Rapid wire-framing & userflows
Creating low-fidelity representations of the design layout and user journey for initial visualization.
Moderated user testing
A moderated user study that involves observations and interviews to understand user behaviours and needs.
Revenue-Generating Feature(s)
Revenue-Generating Feature: Designed to directly contribute to earnings by enhancing customer value and encouraging transactions.
Production ready design files
Transferring design assets and specifications to developers for implementation and coding.
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Solutions Architect
Our solutions architect is crucial in early project phases, ensuring the tech strategy aligns with business objectives. They're responsible for the IT systems' overall design, managing the implementation of technological solutions, and guaranteeing the infrastructure meets business requirements.
Automated Design-to-Code Conversion
We use AI tooling to turn structured or unstructured Figma designs into clean, accessible, semantic, and responsive code. This gives us 50-80% faster front end code workflows and allows us to reduce months' worth of front-end development work to just days.
Custom-Fit Design Frameworks
We convert Figma designs rapidly to React, React Native, Vue, Svelte, Qwik, Angular, Solid, and HTML with your preferred styling library, including Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Emotion, and more.
Scaffolding Approach
By utilising a pre-built, modular structure, we focus on delivering the core functionality that sets your product apart. This method accelerates development without compromising quality, ensuring a scalable, secure, and high-performing product.
Zero Limitations
We use full-code development, avoiding low-code or no-code solutions, to ensure a scalable, secure, and high-performing product tailored to your specific needs.
Platform, Web or mobile applications
Our unique scaffolding approach allows us to build robust foundations for your product, whether it’s a platform application, web application, or mobile application for Android and iOS.
Solutions Architect
Our solutions architect is crucial in early project phases, ensuring the tech strategy aligns with business objectives. They're responsible for the IT systems' overall design, managing the implementation of technological solutions, and guaranteeing the infrastructure meets business requirements.
Automated Design-to-Code Conversion
We use AI tooling to turn structured or unstructured Figma designs into clean, accessible, semantic, and responsive code. This gives us 50-80% faster front end code workflows and allows us to reduce months' worth of front-end development work to just days.
Custom-Fit Design Frameworks
We convert Figma designs rapidly to React, React Native, Vue, Svelte, Qwik, Angular, Solid, and HTML with your preferred styling library, including Tailwind CSS, Material UI, Emotion, and more.
Scaffolding Approach
By utilising a pre-built, modular structure, we focus on delivering the core functionality that sets your product apart. This method accelerates development without compromising quality, ensuring a scalable, secure, and high-performing product.
Zero Limitations
We use full-code development, avoiding low-code or no-code solutions, to ensure a scalable, secure, and high-performing product tailored to your specific needs.
Platform, Web or mobile applications
Our unique scaffolding approach allows us to build robust foundations for your product, whether it’s a platform application, web application, or mobile application for Android and iOS.
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Expert Consultation
UX Severity & Solutions Report
A-Sync Presentation
Actionable Insights
5-Top Critical Errors to Drive Revenue
Prioritisation Workshop
Research Backed Recomendations
On User-flow or purchase path
Multi platform
Frequently asked questions
How do you ensure a project is completed within the timeframe?

We never take on a project that won't be 100% successful or meet your goals.

This is determined through a series of workshops before we agree to undertake the project.

With a strict focus on the initially defined 'How Might We' (HMW) questions. As facilitators, we guide the project while keeping it aligned with your vision and the defined goals. We only undertake projects where we can confidently meet the HMW within the stipulated timeframe, ensuring a focused and effective approach to each project.

How much time is required from me during the project?

Expect to dedicate around 3.5 hours per week to collaborate and provide feedback during the design process.

What kind of post-delivery support do you offer?

Post-delivery, we offer ad-hoc support services starting at £55 per hour. This includes further iterations based on user feedback, technical assistance, and strategic guidance for future development. Our goal is to ensure that your MVP continues to evolve and succeed, providing you with flexible, ongoing support tailored to your project's specific needs and feedback.

What kind of user research and testing do you conduct during the MVP development process?

We conduct comprehensive moderated user research with 5 users to ensure the MVP resonates with the target audience and meets their needs effectively.

Do I need to have a Statement of Work (SOW) ready to begin the project?

No, a detailed SOW is not necessary to start. A lot of ideation happens during the project. We just need to define the 'How Might We' (HMW) questions to begin, and we'll guide you through the rest.

What is the role of a Solutions Architect, and how do they contribute to project success?

A Solutions Architect aligns tech strategies with business goals, designs IT systems, and ensures successful implementation, bridging business needs with technological solutions.

How does AI conversion of Figma designs expedite front-end development?

This process transforms Figma designs into code using AI, significantly speeding up front-end development by automating coding tasks. This gives us 50-80% faster front end code workflows and allows us to reduce months' worth of front-end development work to just days.

What if I've already built an MVP but need help enhancing it?

Whether it's fine-tuning the user interface, streamlining the user journey, or adding new features, our team is dedicated to transforming your MVP into a more polished and effective solution. We can provide a quick UX audit and prioritise features to address first.

I already have Figma files for my project. Can I still use your MVP development service?

Absolutely! If you already have Figma files prepared for your project, you're one step ahead. We're equipped to work with your existing designs and can proceed to the development phase at an accelerated pace.

Why don't you use no-code or low-code apps

While low-code and no-code platforms can speed up development, they often fall short for building robust, scalable, and highly customized applications. These platforms limit how much you can customize your app, making it harder to add unique features. They may also struggle to handle growth, leading to performance issues as your user base expands. Additionally, using these platforms can tie you to a specific vendor, which can be risky if you need to switch or if the service changes. Security can also be a concern, as you have less control over the underlying code. Integrating with other systems can be challenging, and over time, you might face performance issues and technical limitations that could require a costly rebuild. Full-code development avoids these issues, ensuring your application is tailored to your needs, scalable, secure, and performs well, giving you the best chance for long-term success.

What is scaffolding ?

Scaffolding in software engineering refers to the practice of using a pre-built, modular structure as a foundation for application development. This approach leverages reusable components and frameworks to streamline the development process. By providing a robust, standardized base, scaffolding allows developers to focus on the core, differentiated functionality of the application, rather than reinventing common features. This method enhances efficiency, reduces development time, and ensures consistency and scalability across projects. Scaffolding is particularly effective for creating high-quality, secure, and scalable products quickly, making it an ideal choice for developing MVPs (Minimum Viable Products).

Case Studies
MVP in days.
The next generation of price comparison for Gen Z, regulated by the FCA, Noggin offers mobile phone contracts without credit checks through the open banking system.
5 Days
Machine learning development platform enables anyone to quickly bring custom AI applications to production.
10 days
We executed a UX audit and implemented conversion and visual design enhancements, all within a tight timeframe of 3 days.
3 days
The primary goal with Marks and Spencer was to execute a design sprint that transformed an innovative concept into a production-ready app within three weeks.
15 days
The primary task was to design a Shopify store for Marmalade Grove within a tight two-week timeframe.
10 days
The primary task was to design an MVP for's backend portal within a two-weektimeframe.
20 days
The primary task was to design an MVP for tradefy backend portal within a two-week timeframe.
20 days